Flashing 932 Firmware

This is a quick guide to help you install new firmware on an FIU-932 interface unit.


Please make sure each of these is covered before you try to flash any new firmware. Failing to do so could complicate the process and temporarily "brick" your interface unit.

1. Opto Chip Flashing Cable

You will need this cable to flash the "opto" chip:


Please make sure you have it before you start.

2. Install Arkeya

First, download and install Arkeya. Instructions for that are on the download pages for each operating system, here:


Once Arkeya is installed, you can check to make sure it "sees" the devices inside the 932 which will be updated.

3. Check the USB Chip

When Arkeya is properly installed, and the standard USB cable is connected, you should see the 932 listed in the left hand side "Devices" list.

This is the connection you should make if you are installing a file called usb-chip.hex or rNNNu.hex (where rNNN is a revision number and the "u" indicates it is for the usb chip):

932_device_arkeya_cropped.png usb_cable_in.png

If the cable is connected but you don't see "932" listed on the left, first click the "refresh" button.

4. Check the OPTO Chip

The cable shown here should only be connected if you know you want to update the "opto" firmware.

This is the connection you should make if you are installing a file called opto-chip.hex or rNNNo.hex (where rNNN is a revision number and the "o" indicates it is for the opto chip):

932o_device_arkeya_cropped.png opto_cable_in.png

5. Make sure 932 is in the root menu

With the 932 interface powered up, navigate to the Root Menu. Please ensure that the 932 display shows this before you attempt any firmware update:

    MODE SELECT      

If the display has failed and you are unable to see if it is in the root menu, use Arkeya with the USB cable connected to put it into the root mode.

Finally, go ahead and do the update

We will email you "hex" files to install. Please contact us for these so we can help you make the best choice about what you need. There are two internal processors in the 932 -- both will need to be flashed.

Use the "Interface -> Update firmware from local file" to do this update. You'll need to navigate to the folder where you put the hex file, and select it.

Connect only one of the two cables at a time. Your connections should look like section 3 first, and then section 4 as you do the second chip.

Please wait until the upgrade is complete before trying to use the 932.

(Please avoid the "Interface->Update Firmware over internet" option; that may install out of date firmware.)


If your display shows '932' and you are unable to select menus, try holding the shaft encoder knob pressed in before applying power to the 932, and then for a few seconds after power is applied. (For this to work, it is important that the knob is not mounted too far in on the shaft because that can keep the "press" function from working.)

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
932_device_arkeya_cropped.pngpng 932_device_arkeya_cropped.png manage 6 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:05 BenDugan  
932o_device_arkeya_cropped.pngpng 932o_device_arkeya_cropped.png manage 7 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:06 BenDugan  
cb-932-ousb-1_sm.jpgjpg cb-932-ousb-1_sm.jpg manage 12 K 01 Sep 2020 - 14:37 BenDugan  
opto_cable_in.pngpng opto_cable_in.png manage 90 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:06 BenDugan  
usb_cable_in.pngpng usb_cable_in.png manage 81 K 12 Sep 2019 - 19:05 BenDugan  
Topic revision: r4 - 21 Sep 2021, BenDugan
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